First Transfer

by David 7 July 2010

It has been a little while since, I started my first 5 Gallon batch of mead.  It has been fermenting along but I thought I’d transferred it to a secondary fermenter.  I used an Auto Siphon, and I transferred the homemade mead from a bucket to a 6 gallon better bottle carboy.  Since fermentation was not complete […]

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Change of heart

by David 5 July 2010

Well I’m still fairly new to homemade wine making; I have had a recent change of heart.  It mostly has to do with additives. When I first got started I thought it would be cool to be able to make wine without adding any extra stuff, just find fruit or something that has those chemicals […]

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Underage Drinking

by David 4 July 2010

You may or may not know that I was a Resident Assistant last year at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y.  A job I took very seriously. As a result when I promote my web site on Facebook and Twitter, some of my friends who read it are not yet 21. Lately I have been […]

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Dropping the Hydrometer

by David 2 July 2010

OK, so we have all had someone tell us something and thought, “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?” it’s usually something simple and usually not necessary but both helpful and practical.  Well I hope this is one of those moments for you. Weather your new to homemade wine making or you have been making homemade wine […]

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Another Great Use for Honey

by David 2 July 2010

Hopefully you have read my post about using honey to improve my athletic performance, if not you should regardless here is another great use. Honey is a Hangover Cure! Let’s not kid ourselves, were making alcohol we obviously enjoy drinking it, and if you’re like me sometimes you go a tad overboard. You know those mornings when […]

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Canteen Wine

by David 1 July 2010

In case you do not know I was in the U.S. Army from 2000-2004 during that time I went to U.S. Army RANGER School. We didn’t eat much in ranger school but we did get M.R.E.’s or Meals Ready to Eat. Your probably asking yourself “OK..How does this have anything to do with wine making?” […]

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How Easy is Homemade Wine Making

by David 1 July 2010

Shortly after I began Making Homemade Wine, I started adding a few posts about my homemade wine making adventures on Facebook and Twitter. It was not long after that, I logged in to Facebook and this was posted on my wall: Well Pam, Sorry it took me so long to respond but here is your […]

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A Day in the Life of a Bee Keeper

by David 30 June 2010

My adventure started with a forty minute phone conversation.  I was talking to Mrs. Doan of Doan Honey Farm, in Hamlin N.Y.; we talked about everything from tastes of different honeys to where they came from and how they strained their honey at Doan Honey farm.  As the conversation came to an end I expressed my interest in purchasing some honey but […]

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Molasses Wine?!?

by David 30 June 2010

I said I was a bit obsessive and even a touch crazy in my post Itching to Make Wine, but had I gone to far when I decided to make Molasses Wine? Only time will tell. After doing a little research I have been led to believe that this is undistilled Rum…but who knows? Batch Data: Primary Vessel Sweetener Type Sweetener […]

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750 mL Bordeaux Wine Making Bottles

by David 30 June 2010

I have a lot of standard Bordeaux wine Making bottles, they are all 750 mL.  I have these wine bottles in both green, and clear. These are cork finish wine bottles. If you make your own wine you will need wine making bottles and these are cheap. Let me know what you think.  

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