My First Mead Batch

by David

After I learned how easy it is to make mead, I was super excited to start making the wine. I however did not want to wait until the weekend so I could start the wine making endeavor with my buddy Josh who wanted in.  I had been doing a lot of reading and found a wine making recipe for cheap easy mead on Anyway I thought I’d give it a shot. I pretty much followed the wine making directions except I used lemons instead of oranges when I made my honey wine.  I did this because when I think of honey and tea, well heck, lemon just sounds better.  I also cut my lemon into like 8 wedges and then halved them before adding them to the recipe. I used bleach to sanitize everything.  By the next day I had a lot of bubbles, my homemade mead was being made and I was making homemade wine.  I will keep you posted on this batch. See the Cheap Easy Mead Recipe.

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