Honey Bee

Dropping the Hydrometer

by David 2 July 2010

OK, so we have all had someone tell us something and thought, “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?” it’s usually something simple and usually not necessary but both helpful and practical.  Well I hope this is one of those moments for you. Weather your new to homemade wine making or you have been making homemade wine […]

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Another Great Use for Honey

by David 2 July 2010

Hopefully you have read my post about using honey to improve my athletic performance, if not you should regardless here is another great use. Honey is a Hangover Cure! Let’s not kid ourselves, were making alcohol we obviously enjoy drinking it, and if you’re like me sometimes you go a tad overboard. You know those mornings when […]

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A Day in the Life of a Bee Keeper

by David 30 June 2010

My adventure started with a forty minute phone conversation.  I was talking to Mrs. Doan of Doan Honey Farm, in Hamlin N.Y.; we talked about everything from tastes of different honeys to where they came from and how they strained their honey at Doan Honey farm.  As the conversation came to an end I expressed my interest in purchasing some honey but […]

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Running with Honey

by David 29 June 2010

I have always liked honey, but after I took an interest in Homemade Mead Making, I became obsessed with the stuff.  I had a lot of honey around and it tasted good so I was eating a lot of it. One day I was going to go for a run and I hadn’t eaten for […]

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